Thursday 30 January 2014

Currently: Future Shop Story

This currently may not your currently, but let’s pretend it is so stuff doesn’t get confusing. Currently, I am sitting awkwardly on my bed or in other words: Cinny Cath’s office, thinking about future blogs, future plans, and just the future period. How interesting CInny, now what is this blog about. Well this blog my friend is about anything that comes to mind while I type. And reader, I think I may have found something interesting to delight your internet-browsing mind: A story. A story about a crazy day and a Future Shop dude. Now this Future Shop dude must be really interesting to make a customer’s blog, and trust me he is. Well first, my adventure in the shop of the futures began when I decided that a Macbook will be bought today. I strolled on over to this shop of the futures (Future Shop) to find myself being watched by this Future Shop Dude. Not with a normal customer watch, and not even a normal person watch, but a “I get commission and I have to sell you something” watch. This watch had earned rude responses to his questions and statements because I have a great distaste in these people. He called me “Madam,” and with every word he spoke, the Macbook was becoming less appealing. My mom wasn’t exactly swayed by his words either and was more down to earth and like “Cinny, we like gotta get this computer anyways so like, let just get it” and I was like “Yeah but this dude” and she was like “Just whatever him” and I was like “Dude, okay.” But gosh how annoying this guy was. Not only was he just weird but HE LIED. Yes, this Future Shop employee gave false information to a customer, no a blogger, and actually expected me not to write about him. Idiot. Anyways, his first lie was that Future Shop is the only store that carries this deal. Having been to Best Buy, I was fully aware that the price was exactly the same. When I confronted him of this: he said that he knows the guy there well, and that he is very “tricky” as he likes to say it, and has the pricing wrong. All in all, if any future shop executive happens to come across this blog, I have a list of things that your employees should be forbidden from doing:

1.       Having Bad Breath.  
2.       LYING.
3.       Calling customers “Sir” or “Madam” more than once in a sentence.
4.       Have terrible persuasion skills, even when they’re all lies.
5.       Staring at customers like money.

I’m sure if your employees follow these golden rules, you and your company will sell more of those Macbooks Airs and Pros. Yup. I know it. And I hope to come to the shop of the futures in the future to see the progress they have made from the past. Wait. Maybe that’s why they never improve; they’re always stuck in the Future. Oh wait here’s a paradox: I bought the laptop (teehee).

Well that was my currently, what’s yours? J

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Why Winter is Better

Okay first of all, white stuff falls from the sky and that should be enough. And that white stuff is so beautiful. I remember one day when it was snowing so beautifully one night, I came out the door and stepped on the fresh sheet of snow with my fuzzy socks and admired the silent snow falling in masses. It was so quiet. I didn’t dare disturb the beauty of that moment by yodeling my name for the entire empty street to hear. It was so beautiful that I pulled over my jacket, replaced my fuzzy socks with shoes, and trekked into the street to have a better look at the magical weather. I trudged up the street, admiring the squeaky sound my foot made against the snow.  I looked up. I saw an endless amount of snowflakes brightening the dark purple sky and I’d be crazy if I didn’t stick my tongue out.  And then I looked down. I saw glittering amber snow reflecting the light of a tall lamplight and I was blissfully happy. So happy in fact, that I couldn’t bother stressing about the essay that needed my urgent attention.

After a good thirty minutes of heaven, my neighbors came out to shovel their driveway and expressed their concern with their subtle but worried glances. After some reasoning with myself, I decided that maybe I really should finish that essay and walked up my driveway, into my cozy house. I said goodbye to that winter wonderland, and thought about how much I love this season of winter.

xx Cinny. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lorde’s Performance at the Grammy’s

Was excellent. It was moving. And a lot of people hated it. Maybe you didn’t like it, well let me try to convince you that it was actually good. Really good. Before we move forward in this discussion, I’d like to have those who haven’t watched the performance have a chance to watch it instead of reading through this blog in a clueless manner (but hey it’s totally cool if you choose to, I’m a bit clueless all the time):  

Okay so what do you think? Good? Bad? Good-Bad? Your opinion. But what is your opinion based off of? Her sound? Her appearance?

If appearance was not what you thought important it was what a lot of the world chose to reflect on. And that statement was proven that night on twitter. If you don’t already know, almost everyone watches the Grammy’s while expressing their thoughts on twitter (well at least us teenagers do). And the thoughts that were expressed after Lorde’s performance were more than rude, they were offending, even to me! People commented on her dark attire and called her a witch. People saw the strange way she moved to the beat and deemed her possessed.  People saw her unique face and called her a troll. They saw that she was different and hated her for challenging the invisible laws of society.

 A small percentage of people saw how beautiful Lorde was. These people saw her strange attire and admired her courage for wearing it (especially knowing the Fashion Police would say something unintelligent about it). These people saw the strange way she moved and saw how captivating and fearless this 17 year-old was. They saw her unique face and admired that it was simply unique. They saw that she was different and admired her for being her true self in a society that wanted to change her.

I’ve realized that the difference in tweets depended on whether people accepted uniqueness with open arms or neglected it by leaving it out in the cold with no food, like an endangered animal. My arms are open to uniqueness, are yours? 

Monday 27 January 2014

What is Beauty?

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, the ears of the listener, and the mind of the thinker. Once we come across that thought, sound, or picture, we can easily determine whether it is beautiful or not. But the question is, how do we determine if something is beautiful or not? I believe that beauty is determined through personal experience and reflection that looks for the uniqueness we want to hold within ourselves. In other words, I believe that everything is beautiful, but not everything is beautiful to a singular person. For example, one person may see the elegant twists and turns of a road, where as another sees the beauty of the trees surrounding it. We all have a different way of looking at things, and that can only determine whether something is beautiful or not. This is why we love different sports, different music and different hobbies. It is our uniqueness that sets us apart, and it is only our uniqueness that can determine whether something is beautiful.  

xx Cinny. 

Sunday 26 January 2014

Why Miley is Good

From We Can't Stop to Wrecking Ball, or the habit of sticking her tongue out, Miley Cyrus has been doing the most outrageous and questionable things that our society will not approve of. One of those things is expressing herself. In a recent interview she said the exact words that are in the description of my blog: "If you cant express yourself, you're not very free."

Now what I like about Miley is that she expresses herself in the most outrageous ways, and could truly care less about what you, me, or society as a whole has to say about anything she does. That's called being courageous, free-willed, and amazingly wise. Society sees this free-willed expression as something out of the norm, as it is. Miley is therefore called a freak, a slut, or both. But her bravery cannot be ignored when she swings with that wrecking ball, knowing the countless hateful remarks she will receive on account of her action. Or licking a doll in her video We Can't Stop and being told by society that it was wrong, and doing it again with a hammer in Wrecking Ball. She doesn't care. Others would call her stupid, but I call her very smart. Knowing that it is her life, and living for herself instead of others, is the smartest thing a human can do.

Being yourself can be the hardest thing to do as a human being alone, but as a celebrity, it is almost impossible. Thank you for challenging that Miley. Thank you for making fun of this funny society we live in.

xx Cinny.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Night

The cool thing about these blogs is that you can get a sense of your audience. Like if your reading this blog and your in a country other than Canada (and I can tell if you are), I am intrigued and enlightened. I mean just yesterday I saw that a person had read my blog in GERMANY. What!? Like you're on the other side of the world, in another setting, in a different timezone. Hence, the name of this blog post: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Goodnight. I don't know what timezone you are in respected viewer, which is why I welcome you with all of the greetings that apply to the time you are in. Gosh I am corny. Well, that was not the main point of this blog post. The main point was really, I don't know. I just felt like writing to people I don't know but I would probably like to know because they have made it so far in this paragraph. For which I am again, SURPRISED AND THANKFUL. Well, anyways, how is your day going on someone from somewhere? What can you do to make it better? Well that was my word of the day, even though I am constantly tempted to post something new every passing hour. I think I'm going be a writer.

xx Cinny.

Friday 24 January 2014

You Read this Title So Thanks.

HELLO WORLD. This is my first ever blog, and may be my only one if people like you continue to read past this sentence. YOU MADE IT. And for that I am ever-grateful. Why? Well, it's mind-boggling to think that someone can just hop across my blog and be reading the words my mind speaks. So my mind says hello and welcome to the blog of Unexpressed Thoughts Exposed. Why such a name Cinny? Well, before I formally introduce my blog, I have a question for you. Have you ever opened up a word document and just typed about what was on your mind, and then read about what you wrote which turns out to be pretty good and worthy of attention from other people? Probably not. But that sort of happened to me. Anyways, this blog will be a compilation of those word documents that were once my unexpressed thoughts, now exposed. And I'm turning this blog into that word document that I thought I would only see but is now yours to read. So here are the honest thoughts and opinions of a 16 year-old girl and the questionable world around her. 

           Cinny C